The Daily Tofu

A place for art, culture, history, and creation

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Photography: The Weekly Photo Scavenger Hunt - Week 3 Nature

Photography, Photo Scavenger HuntTrey Takahashi1 Comment

The dense forests of Korea. Photo: Trey Takahashi

Another week closes in the photo scavenger hunt with an admittedly difficult challenge on subject of "People." However, this week I think we are going to move out into something a little bit different. So far we have covered the main topics of "Nightlife," and last week, "People"; however, this week we are going to take the focus away from our human brothers and move into something a bit more natural. This week, we are looking at: Nature! So get those cameras ready, and maybe a telephoto at hand for this weeks five scavenger hunt items:

  1. A Fresh Field of Flowers
  2. Golden Light by the Moonlight
  3. The Breathtaking Beauty of Birds
  4. An Everlasting Landscape
  5. In the Wild with Wildlife

*Please be sure to include any information about your photos and name for citation of your work!

And now for last weeks entries with the subject of "People":

1. Men at Work

2. That "Hallmark" Moment

3. The Perfect Self-Portrait

4. All Hail our Tech Overlords

5. A Picturesque Portrait

Thanks again for all the amazing submissions from:

Trey (@tofutakahashi)

Allison (@ally_scard)

Adrienne (@oddvacadoe)

Celene (@celenebeats)

Please feel free to submit your work or any ideas for the next scavenger hunt. And as always, you may take a look at all the previous scavenger hunts here.

Photography: The Weekly Photo Scavenger Hunt - Week 2 People

Photography, Photo Scavenger HuntTrey Takahashi1 Comment

Folks walk the dinosaur exhibit at the Springs Preserve in Las Vegas, NV. Photo: Trey Takahashi 

We had a great run of first time entries for the first week of photos for the weekly scavenger hunt, with submissions from a few individuals from several different places. This week we are going to be changing our tune a bit and aiming for something a little different: people. Its portrait/street photography time. Here is this weeks five phrases:

  1. Men at Work
  2. That "Hallmark" Moment
  3. The Perfect Self-portrait
  4. All Hail our Tech Overlords
  5. A Picturesque Portrait

*Please be sure to include any information about your photos and name for citation of your work!

And now that you have your list, lets look at last weeks entries:

1. Life Under the Neon Lights:

2. The Style of the Streets

3. Late Night Coffee at the Cafe

4. Nary a Rarity on the Streets of your City

5. Loneliness or Love

Thanks again for all the amazing submissions from:

Adrienne (@oddvacadoe)

Celene (@celenebeats)

Trey (@tofutakahashi)